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Home Grown Community Farm

Shaftesbury Homegrown is a community group who grow food seasonally as naturally and sustainably as we can. Our 2.5 acre field is on the edge of town, SP7 8LF, on Breach Lane between Enmore Green & St James. A changing group of volunteers have shared farm tasks, learned new skills and enjoyed good company for 16 years. Members get a discount (proportional to the hours worked) on produce taken and surpluses are sold to the public or given to the town's Open Fridge.  We also currently keep hens and bees.  We work on any Wednesday, Friday and Sunday morning from 10am - 1pm, usually taking a break between 11 & 11.30am - a good time to drop in for a chat! 


Shaftesbury Homegrown has a webpage Shaftesbury Home Grown | Planetshaftesbury

Contact person is Helen English

Helen's telephone number is 07789845498

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