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Saturday14 September Ride and Stride – Dorset Historic Churches Trust
Jo Churchill and Church Dog Thomas will visit churches in
Dorset. Jo and Thomas are asking for sponsorship of £5.00
towards their ambitious trek. Half of the monies raised go
to DHCT and the other half to St. John’s Church. For Jo’s
details, see end of Newsletter
Wednesday 25 September The Greate Poole of Enmore – illustrated Talk by David
Godden (Repeat)
6.00pm in St. John’s Church Hall, Enmore Green.
£5.00 pay at the door
Sunday 29 September Shaftesbury Carnival Thanksgiving Service
3.00pm in St. John’s Church, Enmore Green. All Welcome
Reverend Anne Heywood
Friday 4 October Harvest Supper in St. John’s Church.
6.30pm for 7.00pm. Fish and Chips, Desserts, Soft drinks
and Coffee. Bring your own wine. Entertainment.
To book a place please contact Jean Parker on
074855 80472
October Apple Day in the Donkey Field Orchard . Date to be
confirmed. Please check Noticeboards and website
Sunday 3 November Asian Adventures by David Grierson – St. John’s Church
2.30pm Tea and Cake in the Interval £5.00
Please contact Jean Parker on 074855 8072 or Jo Churchill
01747 850432 to book a place and pay at the door.
Monday 11 November Remembrance Day
10.50am at the War Memorial, The Knapp, Enmore Green
Sunday 17 November Remembrance and celebration of St. John’s Churchyard.

11.15 All Welcome.

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