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Community Field

Enmore Green Community Field

The Community Field is a green open space for everyone to enjoy, having once been the playing field of the Enmore Green Infant School on Church Hill. It is owned by the Town Council who cut the grass. A committee of nearby resi￾dents has managed and protected it in partnership with the Council since 1975. Alongside the Allotments, Community Orchard and Churchyard it offers another 
valuable kind of green space in Enmore Green.

There is an entrance through the Community Orchard on Church Hill and an￾other off the Butts. There is only one Football goal so that it is clear the field has multiple uses. The trees offer shade and protection from the rain - we have even had someone practise slacklining between them. There have been Sports Days, informal birthdays, family gatherings, bouncy castles and more over the years. No 
dogs are allowed in the field as it is a scheduled Activity Area but a path on the Orchard side of the fence meets up with both gates.


It is the perfect place for children to let off steam and for outdoor activities such as football, cricket, Yoga and Tai Chi. The field can be hired for private events and is securely fenced with vehicle access if necessary. We would love to hear from 
anyone who might like to run an event or activity in the field.

Contact Jo Churchill on 01747 850432 or

The Playing Field now has official Field in Trust status. This means it must always be preserved as a green open space for the community. The Donkey Field Community Orchard next door is also protected with the same Deed of Dedication, under the aegis of the National Playing Fields Association. You can read more at If you use the search box on this site you will see the Enmore Green Playing Field and Community Orchard as well as Castle Hill, Motcombe Meadows and many more Fields in Trust across the country that are now protected in perpetuity.

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